March 2025
Strengthening AML/CFT Programs: The Latest BSA Updates
March 20, 2025
9:00AM - 10:30AM CST
WebinarSFE Townhall: Preparing for 2026 ACH Fraud Monitoring Rules
March 21, 2025
1:00PM - 2:00PM CST
WebinarApril 2025
Check Image Processing Pain Points
April 8 (9:00AM CST) - 9 (10:30AM CST), 2025
Two-Part WebinarMay 2025
ACH Basics: An Introduction to the ACH Network
May 7 (9:00AM CST) - 8 (10:30AM CST), 2025
Two-Part WebinarAugust 2025
What's UP? Unclaimed Property Update
August 13 (9:00AM CST) - 14 (10:30AM CST), 2025
Two-Part WebinarUnderstanding ACH Exceptions: A Guide for ODFIs and RDFIs
August 19 (9:00AM CST) - 20 (10:30AM CST), 2025
Two-Part WebinarSeptember 2025
Advanced ACH Rules and Compliance: Ensuring Operational Excellence
September 16 (9:00AM CST) - 17 (10:30AM CST), 2025
Two-Part WebinarNovember 2025
Government Payment Processing: Enhancing Efficiency and Compliance
November 5 (9:00AM CST) - 6 (10:30AM CST), 2025
Two-Part WebinarApril 2025
April 14 (9:00AM) - 16 (12:00PM), 2025
SFE's 35th Annual Conference & Expo
Perdido Beach Resort, Orange Beach, ALACH 101: Fundamentals for Operations and Frontline
On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6
Consistent training in electronic payments is critical to the success of any organization. The ACH Network is still one of the most important payment systems utilized today by consumers, corporates, and the U.S. Government. This session provides an overview of the ACH network including defining the participants, explaining the transaction flow, and reviewing common exceptions. Your Customer/Member Service Staff is often the first point of contact for account holder questions and inquiries. Is your staff comfortable enough with their knowledge level to provide excellent service to account holders, especially when problems arise? This session provides an overview of ACH from a customer/ member service point of view as well as from the Operations perspective. Whether you are new to ACH or a seasoned payments professional needing a refresher course, this session is for you.
3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits
ACH 201: Advanced Rules
On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6
If you understand the ACH Rules, you can solve ACH problems, reduce risk, ensure compliance, and design efficient and effective operations. This virtual seminar is a comprehensive review of the ACH Rules including a brief review of the most recent approved Nacha ACH Rule Changes.
3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits
ACH Basics (3 Part Series)
On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.8 Each Session
This three-part series focuses on the basics of ACH, including the history of the network, defining the parties of ACH transactions, their roles and responsibilities, and the transaction flow and settlement process. In addition, we will cover all aspects of exception item processing, including your options in handling unauthorized transactions, stop payments and revoked authorizations. This is a basic overview of ACH and intended for individuals new to ACH operations and frontline staff.
ACH Exception Processing
On-Demand - AAP / APRP Credits 1.8
Get a clear understanding of ACH exception processing and how non-compliance can lead to rule violations and customer frustration. This webinar covers reclamations, returns, and NOCs, including tips to limit liability.
Tax Refunds: Exceptions, Posting & Liabilities
On-Demand – 1.5 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 1.8
During tax filing season, many questions arise related to the posting or return of tax refund payments. Tax scams tend to rise during tax season. We will provide updates on Rules and Regulations surrounding the handling of tax refund exceptions, RDFI warranties and liabilities and tax fraud update. If you need a better understanding of how to handle these payments and ways to combat the tax scams, this training is for you!
1.8 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits
ACH Operating Rules (2 Part Series)
On-Demand - AAP / APRP Credits 1.8 Each Session
Get a good understanding of the Nacha Operating Rules and its many articles and appendices. This two-part webinar series will teach the confidence and skills needed to navigate the many rules and obligations.
ACH Operations for the RDFIs
On-Demand - AAP / APRP Credits 1.8 Each Session
RDFIs do not have the same burdens as ODFIs, but a mistake can be costly and time-consuming. This webinar shares how ACH entries are received, settled, and returned, as well as RDFI obligations.
ACH Policies & Procedures (2 Part Series)
On-Demand - AAP / APRP Credits 1.2 Each Session
Keeping current with ACH-related requirements can be a challenge. Regulators at both state and federal levels may require board-approved policies to define the scope, strategy, and risk tolerance of an organization’s ACH service. Good procedures can reduce your exposure to risk. This two-part webinar series will put you on a path to developing your own ACH policies and procedures..
ACH Risk for Treasury Management Sales
On-Demand - AAP / APRP Credits 1.2
Does your cash or product management team understand the ACH services your financial institution offers? What about any upcoming rule changes? This informative webinar will more fully explore Nacha Operating Rules and loss prevention.
Elder Abuse: Exploitation and Fraud Prevention - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions
On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB’s) Office for Older Americans present details of common fraud and scams that target older adults, discuss ways to recognize red flags of elder financial exploitation, and share free resources for consumers and financial institutions. Presenters explore how payment professionals are working with fraud networks and examine an elder fraud case study involving collaboration with payment professionals. Operations, Customer/Member Service, BSA/Compliance, and Fraud/Risk Management staff will benefit from this two-part informational webinar.
3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits
Faster Payments Risk
On-Demand - AAP / APRP / AFPP Credits 1.2
As faster payment technologies emerge, it’s up to you to keep up and still look for and detect fraud. This webinar will focus on the risks of faster payments and some of the tools available to protect your financial institution.
Federal Government Payments
On-Demand - AAP / APRP Credits 1.0
Handling Federal payments can be challenging. This webinar will focus on enrollments, ACH payment processing, Death Notification Entries (DNE), and reclamations.
FPP Certification - Module 2
Validate Your Faster Payments Expertise
Faster payments are here to stay, and with Same Day ACH, RTP®—plus whatever comes next—it’s more important than ever to be prepared.
The Faster Payments Professional (FPP) certificate is a first-of-its-kind program providing professionals with holistic views of faster payments and getting them acquainted with current offerings. Earning this certificate demonstrates your proficiency in the faster payments field. The certificate program will be offered in three (3) separate modules. Each module will include a series of pre-recorded webinars that allows for self-paced study. Once each module is complete, there is a short quiz. Once all modules and quizzes are complete, one final certification exam will be offered.
Each module will be sold separately. Available until March 31, 2025
Module 2: Faster Payments Functionality
- Authentications
- Authorizations and Agreements
- Operational Functions
- Eligibility and Enrollment Requirements
FPP Certification - Module 1
Validate Your Faster Payments Expertise
Faster payments are here to stay, and with Same Day ACH, RTP®—plus whatever comes next—it’s more important than ever to be prepared.
The Faster Payments Professional (FPP) certificate is a first-of-its-kind program providing professionals with holistic views of faster payments and getting them acquainted with current offerings. Earning this certificate demonstrates your proficiency in the faster payments field. The certificate program will be offered in three (3) separate modules. Each module will include a series of pre-recorded webinars that allows for self-paced study. Once each module is complete, there is a short quiz. Once all modules and quizzes are complete, one final certification exam will be offered.
Each module will be sold separately. Available until March 31, 2025
Module 1: Faster Payments Fundamentals
- Terminology
- Platforms and Platform Basics
- Defining Participants and Participant Roles
- Technology
- Basic Rules and Regulations
FPP Certification - Module 3
Validate Your Faster Payments Expertise
Faster payments are here to stay, and with Same Day ACH, RTP®—plus whatever comes next—it’s more important than ever to be prepared.
The Faster Payments Professional (FPP) certificate is a first-of-its-kind program providing professionals with holistic views of faster payments and getting them acquainted with current offerings. Earning this certificate demonstrates your proficiency in the faster payments field. The certificate program will be offered in three (3) separate modules. Each module will include a series of pre-recorded webinars that allows for self-paced study. Once each module is complete, there is a short quiz. Once all modules and quizzes are complete, one final certification exam will be offered.
Each module will be sold separately. Available until March 31, 2025
Module 3: Operations, Fraud, Risk, Legal & Regulatory Considerations
- Operations Management Concepts
- Liquidity Management
- Reconciliation & Reporting
- Notifications, Disclosures & Transparency
- Customer Support
- Risk Management
- Types of Risk
- Risk Mitigation
- Fraud Management
- Legal & Regulatory Compliance Considerations
- Reg E
- Reg J
- Private Sector Rules
- State and Federal Laws
- Operating Circular 8
Introduction to ACH
On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.8
As an introduction to ACH, this webinar will cover the essentials, including a brief history, how the transactions flow and settlement process works, and various standard entry class codes. This class is designed for new ACH operators, front-line staff, and anyone interested in learning more about ACH.
Micro-Entries Nacha Rule Change-Phase 2 & ACH Risk Management Framework
On-Demand – 2 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 2.4
In light of Phase Two of the Micro-Entry Rule and the ACH Risk Management Framework on credit-push transactions, financial institutions have been placed for many years as the “police” for suspicious and fraudulent transactions and requirements to monitor, identify, be alerted, and mitigate the risks associated with originated and received transactions is becoming more and more difficult. Operating in a manual manner is simply impossible! This session will leave you with a different mindset on managing operational, fraud, liquidity, liability, and systemic risks and how you can tell if an appealingly “normal” transaction may, in fact, be abnormal.
Nanci McKenzie, Juris Masters Financial Regulation & Compliance, AAP, APRP
Executive Vice President, Compliance & Product Strategy
Affirmative Technologies
Nanci holds a Juris Master’s degree in Financial Regulation and Compliance from Florida State University College of Law and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Information Management from Seminole State College, Sanford, FL. She became an Accredited ACH Professional (AAP) in 2004 and became an Accredited Payments Risk Professional (APRP) in 2018. Nanci is currently pursuing a Master of Legal Studies (MLS) at Drexel University.
2.4 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits
Nacha Operating Rules Enforcement Process
On-Demand - AAP / APRP Credits .6
Do you send NOCs without any results? Should you get Nacha involved? This training event will cover Appendix 9 in the Nacha Operating Rules to clarify when and how to file a report. A discussion of Nacha Arbitration and Compensation Rules will be included.
P2P Fraud and Disputes
On-Demand - AAP / APRP Credits 0.6
Person-to-person (P2P) transactions have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, with the convenience of digital payments comes the risk of fraud. Join this session as we equip you with essential knowledge on how to effectively handle disputes.
Payments Fraud
On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2
Financial thieves are always looking for cracks in today’s payment systems. Some typical schemes include phishing, spoofing, and identity theft. This webinar will help you develop effective anti-fraud policies and procedures to mitigate risk and protect your financial institution.
Putting On Your ODFI Hat - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions
On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6
What are the responsibilities for an ODFI? What are the duties of Originators? Are both in compliance with the Rules? Join us for a thorough review of ODFI compliance and receive a better understanding of what it means to be an ODFI.
3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits
RDFI Roles & Responsibilities/Exception Processing - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions
On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6
RDFIs find common pain points – areas of the Rules that can cause misunderstandings or problems with ACH processing or compliance. Many financial institutions have tried to focus on a number of issues identified during compliance audits only to become more confused when trying to interpret the Rules. Join us as we explore the process of handling different areas of pain points for Receiving Depository Financial Institutions such as exception item processing, consumer/ customer/member disputes, government payment issues, etc. If you need answers, this is the workshop for you!
3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits
Real-time Payments Operating Rules
On-Demand - AAP/APRP/AFPP Credits 1.2
Real-Time Payments (RTP) are available to all U.S. financial intuitions, including yours. As with any payment system, participation means new network rules. This webinar will review those guidelines and help you make the best decision for your financial institution.
Regulation E (2 Part Series)
On-Demand - AAP/APRP Credits 1.2 Each Session
This two-part webinar will focus on consumer rights, the impact of the Electronic Funds Transfer Act and the requirements of Regulation E, including required disclosures, error resolution and more.
Regulation E Disputes for Debit Cards
On-Demand - AAP / APRP Credits 1.2
The Electronic Funds Transfer Act and Regulation E protect consumers from many types of unauthorized debits. This webinar will help you understand how Regulation E disputes apply to debit cards and when they require provisional credit and/or refunds.
Regulation E vs. ACH Friends or Foes?
On-Demand - AAP / APRP Credits 1.2
ACH Rules for the return of an unauthorized debit and your requirements to investigate an error don’t always align under Regulation E. This webinar will help ensure your procedures comply with Regulation E and how to use the ACH Rules to mitigate risk.
So You Think you Want to be an AAP?
Are you thinking about becoming an Accredited ACH Professional? Accreditation gives you valuable knowledge needed in today’s ACH environment. Sign up for this free webinar to learn how to successfully prepare for the AAP exam and how to maintain your accreditation once you’ve passed! A synopsis of SFE’s AAP Exam Prep Program will also be provided.
So You Think you Want to be an APRP?
Are you thinking about becoming an Accredited Payments Risk Professional? Accreditation gives you valuable knowledge needed in today’s ACH environment. Sign up for this free webinar to learn how to successfully prepare for the APRP exam and how to maintain your accreditation once you’ve passed! A synopsis of SFE’s upcoming Study Program will also be provided.
Stop Payments, Authorization Revoked & Unauthorized Entries
On-Demand - AAP / APRP Credits 0.6
There is always confusion as to when we use a stop payment, an authorization revoked or simply dispute an entry as unauthorized. Are you aware of the rules related to these different options? This Payments Tip will go into detail around the differences between stop payments and revoked authorizations, and when they are to be used. We will also take a look at unauthorized returns, when to use them, what the rules say, and how they differ between consumers and our corporate accountholders.
The Payments Horizon: What's New and What's Next in 2025
On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6
SFE's annual Payments Update training, focusing on recent Nacha ACH Rule Changes and upcoming developments in the payments landscape.
Key Topics:
- Nacha ACH Rule Changes: Understand the recent and upcoming amendments aimed to reduce the incidence of successful fraud attempts and improve the recovery of funds after fraud has occurred. Tabbing the 2025 Nacha ACH Operating Rules and Guidelines is included to help you understand where to locate the rules and compliance requirements.
- Regulation CC Updates: Learn about the amendments taking effect on July 1, 2025, which increase certain dollar amounts based on inflation and require system changes and change-in-terms notices to customers.
- Instant Payments Rails: Get updates on FedNow and RTP, including essential topics for organizations participating in or preparing to implement these new payment systems.
A “basic” level of ACH knowledge is required.
Who Will Benefit:
- ACH Operations Staff
- ACH Managers
- Audit/Compliance Personnel
- Cash Management Sales & Relationship Officers
- Compliance/Risk Officers
- Customer/Member Services Personnel
- Electronic Payments Professionals
- AAPs & APRPs
3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits
Pricing Per Person/Access
The Rules Have Changed. Have You?
On-Demand – 1.5 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 1.8
The Nacha Operating Rules are being updated to keep up with changing fraud tactics and help the industry fight back. Are you prepared to identify credit-push fraud, protect your customers, and stop fraudsters? Participating in this session will help your organization prepare for the upcoming changes.
Jordan Bennett, AAP, APRP, Senior Director, Network Risk Management ,Nacha
Diana Gunn, AAP, APRP, President/Chief Operating Officer, EFT BOP, LLC
Regulation E and Instant Disputes
On-Demand – 1 Hour - AAP/APRP Credits 1.2
When it comes to regulation E and faster payments like FedNow® Instant Payments and RTP® Payments from the Clearing House the question comes up a lot. Does Regulation E apply to RTP® and FedNow®, and if so when and how? The short answer is yes, but the answer to how is what we will cover in this course. From reviewing the FedNow Service Operating Procedures, the RTP Operating rules and the CFPB FAQ on instant payments, the Payments PRofessor walks you through the basics of Regulation E and how they are applied to FedNow, RTP, and even Zelle.
Kevin Olsen
The Payments Professor
AAP/APRP Credits 1.2
Registration Fees:
Members: $229 per Person/Access
Others: $458 per Person/Access
Card Training - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions
On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6
Join us for an informative Card Training Session in relation to Debit Card Fraud, Disputes/Chargebacks and application of Regulation E.
Diana is a veteran financial services trainer and is well respected for her vast knowledge of the card payment industry, ACH Network and EFT Compliance. Audiences welcome her insights on payment trends and emerging payments. Diana’s enthusiasm and passion for all things payments results in a high energy presentation.
Diana Kern
Senior Trainer, Shazam
3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits
Unclaimed Property - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions
On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6
Part I – An Introduction in Unclaimed Property Basics
- What is unclaimed property?
- How it all started!
- Unclaimed property terms
- What do banks and credit unions need to know?
- Unclaimed Property Reporting Requirements
- Best Practices
- How to keep in touch with customers and members
Part II - A Deeper Dive
- What you need to know about Unclaimed Property Audits
- Creating Policy and Procedures
- Overview on Mergers and Acquisitions
- Best ways to reduce unclaimed property liability
- Updates on laws and regulations affecting unclaimed property
Michael Ryan, Director of Business Development
Linking Assets, Inc.
James Santivanez, President
JMS Advisory Group
About the Speakers:
Mike Ryan is MACHA’s unclaimed property liaison. Mike is also Director of Business Development at Linking Assets, Inc. Linking Assets is the leading owner location services company, helping banks and credit union locate, reengage, and reunite dormant/lost customer and members with their assets to reduce escheatment.
James Santivanez is the President of JMS Advisory Group. JMS is a firm dedicated to escheat process development and improvement. It is their mission to help their clients mitigate risk and capitalize on opportunities resulting from accurate and properly manage unclaimed property compliance.
3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits
What Frontline Needs to Know - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions
On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6
Consistent training in electronic payments is critical to the success of any organization. Your Customer/Member Service Staff is often the first point of contact for account holder questions and inquiries. Can your service staff explain ACH to your customers / members? Is your staff comfortable enough with their knowledge level to sell the safety, efficiency, convenience and cost savings associated with electronic payments? It is important to thoroughly understand the functionality of the ACH Network in order to provide excellent service to account holders, especially when problems arise. This session provides an overview of ACH from a customer/ member service point of view, including defining the participants and explaining the transaction flow. An overview of ACH applications and corresponding rules and regulations will be presented to ensure a clear understanding of ACH problem resolution.
- 2023 Nacha Operating Rules
- ACH Quick Reference Guide
- ACH Quick Reference Cards for Financial Institutions
3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits