
June 13 (3:00PM) - 15 (4:00PM), 2023

Check Returns & Adjustments

2 Part Webinar Series

To resolve check returns or adjustment entries, you need to understand which rules apply and if the item will be part of the private exchange or Federal Reserve. This two-part webinar will help you understand the difference between check returns and adjustments, when to return a check or initiate an adjustment, and the difference between adjustments through the Federal Reserve versus ECCHO or private sector.

As an added value, this webinar includes access to a video recording for up to 30 days from the date of this webinar.

AAP/APRP Credits 1.8 each Part

Part 1 - June 13th - 3:00pm to 4:30pm CT

Part 2 - June 15th - 3:00pm to 4:30pm CT

Webinar Cost:
Member Price: $410
Non-Member Price: $820

You will receive an email from WesPay Learning Center ( The email will contain a link to the event in your Dashboard. For webinars, this is where you will go to attend. The link is unique to you and sign in is required.

Click Here to Register!

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